Get in touch
PHONE: 973-830-7816
As a vendor for the state of NJ, we offer in person small group fitness and virtual classes for participants of all abilities. Our classes are structured to not just improve the body but create community and build confidence. If a participant wants to enhance their performance in the Special Olympics or have more stamina throughout the day, we are here to help.
We have installed a SoloStep harness in our Piscataway office to assist clients with walking safely and to build confidence using their own body weight. Our clients with Cerebral Palsy have greatly benefited from this device as well as clients with rare autoimmune disorders that impact their strength and stability.
Both of our locations accommodate sensory concerns for clients who may have sensitivity to lights or sounds. We also ensure that our clients with Autism are not overly stimulated, which can detract from their exercise program.
No matter what you are capable of physically, you will be challenged by the person next to you to do your absolute best.
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